Good meatloaf is about as comforting as comfort food gets. Thankfully, meatloaf doesn't have to be complex to be good. It just needs to be tender (from breadcrumbs soaked in milk and gentle handling) and...
Follow our foolproof recipe for a restaurant-quality pan-fried steak in under 10 minutes. Serve with a simple steak sauce and a classic side like roasted potatoes. From the book Mad Hungry, by Lucinda...
Not your average blue-plate special, this meatloaf recipe brings three ground meats together with a sweet-and-sour glaze to form a tender and moist mealtime favorite.
Perfect for pot roast recipes, inexpensive chuck is one of the most flavorful cuts of beef. Simmering it slowly and gently in the oven results in a wonderfully tender pot roast. Vegetables like onions...
Ground beef and sweet Italian sausage enrich the sauce for this beloved baked pasta, while no-boil lasagna noodles speed up the process. Check out our step-by-step guide.
Stuffed cabbage is not only filling, but it's also simple to prepare. Our hearty stuffed cabbage recipe calls for meat, veggies, and more. Serve stuffed cabbage with hot tomato sauce and sour cream for...
You can make this beef stew in the oven or a slow cooker. Either way, in two simple steps, you will have a warming, wholesome, and wonderfully flavorful meal.
With an Instant Pot or pressure cooker, the classic Sunday afternoon pot roast can be on the table in under two hours -- without ever turning on your oven. We seasoned this one with North African ingredients...
This St. Patrick's Day favorite couldn't be simpler to make. By making your corned beef and cabbage in a slow cooker, all of the hard work is done for you.
Aromatic and satisfying, a comforting bowl of beef stew always hits the mark on extra chilly nights. Here, seared pieces of marbled beef simmer away until fall-apart-tender in broth, with punchy aromatics...
In this classic French stew, beef is slow-simmered to tenderness. A red wine with herbal notes balances orange zest and thyme; egg noodles soak up the flavorful sauce.
Prep these beef stroganoff ingredients, cover the pot, and go! Simmering and braising beef stroganoff for a long time at a low temperature yields extra-intense flavor with little effort. The method is...
It's important to set up direct and indirect heat zones when grilling this beef tenderloin. You want to sear the outside so that it has a nice crust without overcooking the meat. See our tips on setting...
Serve this tender, fall-off-the-bone meat with bread, polenta, or sauteed Swiss chard. You can also present it as a "sauce" by shredding the meat, mixing it with the leftover tomatoes from the pan, and...
Flank is a flavorful, lean cut of steak that's sliced thin and served. Make the deep, savory marinade ahead of time and let it work its magic on the meat for up to two days in the fridge. It makes party...
Short ribs get a lot of their flavor from their fat; as the meat cooks, the fat melts away and infuses the sauce, making it rich, smooth, and absolutely delicious.From the book "Mad Hungry," by Lucinda...
Roast beef is classic British fare. It's the centerpiece of a traditional Sunday dinner, and the hearty main course for a holiday celebration. Chef Anne Willan has drawn on her own family's techniques...
It's very lean, so flank steak requires tenderizing; marinate in this Asian-infused sauce before cooking, and thinly slice against the grain before serving.
Beef simmered with garlic and peppers in a thick tomato sauce makes for a warm and satisfying dinner. A slow cooker turns a less expensive cut of meat into a flavorful stew. Serve it in flour tortillas...
For a classic pot roast-a tough cut of beef braised until succulent and tender-we start with a well-marbled chuck. Pair it with familiar carrots and potatoes and place in the slow cooker. This recipe comes...
Make your own Philly-style cheese steak sandwich at home. Thinly sliced rib-eye and onion are cooked, then topped with provolone to melt before being placed in a hoagie roll.
Braising in a slow cooker turns a tough, less-expensive cut of beef into a flavorful, hearty meal that's ideal for Passover and sure to become a family favorite.
With a savory blend of meats, flavorful cheese, and garlic, these meatballs are sure to be an instant favorite. The meatballs can be cooked without the sauce: Just reduce the heat to medium once they've...
This nourishing fall meal is a sure crowd-pleaser. Try substituting ground pork for the beef. Braise leftover cabbage or shred it and enjoy in a salad or slaw.
This classic meatloaf uses coarsely ground beef for a juicer bite. It's brushed with the essential brown sugar-ketchup glaze and baked on a sheet pan, not in a loaf pan, so it has more caramelized crust...
Our take on this classic Greek casserole uses a mixture of ricotta and feta cheeses instead of the conventional white sauce, which is made from butter, flour, and milk.